
江苏锐腾科技有限公司位于长三角电梯产业聚集区,由行业资深科研人员及无锡市政府共同投资成立。公司拥有雄厚的研发、设计、生产及施工能力,自主拥有电梯智能领域多项专利技术,产品涉及电梯显示、电梯刷卡系统、电梯远程监控、标准及非标操纵盘、外呼、到站灯及电梯整体装潢,可为国内外90%的电梯品牌配套,满足不同用户的高、中、低档需求,产品性价比在国内外具有显著竞争优势。锐腾科技是无锡市政府“530计划A类高新技术引进项目”,公司拥有全套数控生产、测试设备,形成现代化的生产流水线,构建了规范、高效的运营管理模式和严谨、细致的生产施工流程。 经过多年市场应用,产品得到不断升级和完善,成功运用于全国数千家住宅、写字楼、星级酒店及商业中心,赢得了电梯厂商、经销商、电梯维保公司、地产开发商和终端用户的信赖和赞誉。锐腾人以“创导智能新生活,丰富用户体验”为己任,为追求现代个性化、人性化的高品味生活,舒适、安全的智能生活不懈努力! Raity Technologies locates in Wuxi - Yangtze River Delta which is the congregation area of China's elevator industry. Wuxi is also one of China's two steel distributing centers. The Company has strong capability in R&D, design and manufacture of elevator LED displayers, elevator IC system, elevator monitoring system, standard and non-standard COP, HOP and landing lights, owns multiple patent technologies in related fields. Raity products well apply to 90% elevator brands, can meet high, medium and low end demands of various users, the cost performance possesses distinct competitive advantage in domestic and international markets. Raity is "Class A High –tech imported project" by Wuxi Municipal Government. The Company is equipped with full sets of numerically controlled production and testing facilities, forms modern production lines. Efficient operation pattern and strict production and construction flow also guarantee Raity products' quality.Through years’ market application, Raity products got continuous upgrade and improvement, have been well applied at thousands of residential and office buildings, star hotels and commercial centers, won broad trust and recognition from elevator manufacturers and dealers, elevator maintainance companies, property developers and end users.Taking “initiating intelligent new life, enriching users’ experience” as our task, Raity people exert ourselves to build individualized high-taste human living and comfortable, safe and colorful life! [了解更多]



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    通讯地址:滨湖区高浪东路999号B1栋5层江苏省无锡市 浙ICP备17016739号-4
